The Dreamer’s Way
The Practice
I once struggled with artist’s block. It happened right after I graduated from college - almost synchronistically, as it were. My mom, a fellow artist and life long supporter of me making art, was grappling with the nasty little gremlin of artist’s block herself. She had found this book and was pretty sure I needed to read it. It was called the Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron. I did need to read it.
It was such a refreshing perspective on making art, how to stay inspired, and how to keep showing up. In essence, how to cultivate the making of art into a daily practice. The ritual of art making.
Unsung Heroes of the Desert
It took me 20+ years of living in the desert to get really curious about how the native species found ways of surviving it.
I began to get more and more curious about the idea of not just surviving… but THRIVING in the desert.
The most audacious of these thrivers, to me, was the exotic and very seductive moonflower.